Research Scientist (Food Science and Technology)
Contact: saravananchinnshanmugam@gmail.com
2016 – Ph.D. Biotechnology (Food Science and Technology)
2004 – M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
2002 – B.Sc. (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry)
Feb 2006 – July 2010: Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd-Senior Biotechnologist
- Process development and optimization of chiral intermediates by Biocatalyst route in Nocardia tartaricans for the production of L+ tartaric acid through fermentation and Biotransformation.
- Fermentation operation (5litre, 20 litre, 200 litre, 2KL litre).
- Immobilization of Nocardia tartaricans biomass for Bioconversion.
- Various research trials for continuous improvement of L+ tartaric acid yield.
- Followed the GLP, GMP and HACCP both in R and D lab and pilot plant.
Feb 2017- Jan 2018: Skm Animal Feeds and Foods India Pvt. Ltd-Food Safety andManagement System Coordinator
Mentoring the activities of the Food Safety Team and ensuring that processes needed for the Food Safety Management. Systems are established, implemented and maintained.
Involved in updating of all the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) and related procedures, documents and records on a timely basis.
Associating with
- Preparing & updating FSQA documents & sign off new releases / changes as per FSSAI & FSSC- 22000 requirements.
- Executing FSQA checks during In-line production process as per HACCP Plan.
- Effectuating the authorization of processing & microbiological analysis & reports.
Microbial pathogen testing like E.coli, Coagulase positive Staphlococci, Salmonella Spp. Yeast and Mould from processed chicken as per the ISO standards.
Apr 2019-Jan 2020: OSI: Select Ready Food Inc- Food Safety Specialist, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Administering a food quality and food safety system that includes: HACCP, prerequisite programs reassessment, Internal audit, preventative controls, specifications, regulatory compliance, sanitation protocols, inbound and outbound material testing, and other related programs, processes, and procedures that meets established facility and organization objectives.
- Testing Environmental sampling, Air sampling, Listeria sampling, Allergen testing and Proficiency Testing.
- Responding to government regulatory agencies (CFIA) in matters relating to food safety or food quality.
- Responsible for monitoring and verification of CCP’s, PC’s, Pre-requisite programs, other Food Safety and Quality programs.
- Details study of natural diversity of fermentation microflora in idli batter.
- Screening and identity of functional properties in fermentation microflora.
- Isolation and characterization of exopolysaccharides from Leuconostoc lactis KC117496.
- Structural characterization and antioxidant properties of exopolysaccharide from Leuconostoc lactis KC 117496.
- Isolation and molecular characterization of bacteria from fermented foods
- Probiotic characterization of bacterial flora isolated from fermented food
- Extraction and purification of secondary metabolites from bacterial broth.
- Determination of physico-chemical and structural parameters for exopolysaccharide.
- Yield improvement of exopolysaccharide in shaker flask experiments through fermentation.
- Chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.
- In vitro bioassays (Adhersion in HT-29 colon cell line, Antibacterial, and Anti-oxidant).
- Synthesis and characterization of exopolysaccharide stabilized Sliver Nanoparticles (AgNPs)
- Polymerase chain reaction
- UV-Visible Spectrometer (Ocean Optics HR 4000)
- High pressure thin layer chromatography (HPTLC-CAMAG Switzerland-ATS4)
- High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC- Shimadzu- Model LC20AD)
- FT-NMR spectrometer (Bruker Ultra-Shield 400 MHz)
- FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet Model: 6700)
- Atomic Force Microscopy (Brukers MM8)
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Scanning Electron microscopy (Hitachi, Model: S-3400N)
- Powder XRD (X-Pert PRO PAN-analytical)
- Thermal System (TGA-DTA / DSC) TA instruments, Model : Q600 SDT and Q20 DSC
- Food Handler certificate conducted by foodsafetytraining.ca (Ontario Ministry of Health)
- Certificate of attainment for “Auditing SQF Quality Systems” issued by SQF Institute
- Certificate of attainment for “Advanced SQF Practitioner” issued by SQF Institute
- Completed a certificate for WHMIS from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Chinnashanmugam Saravanan, Prathapkumar H Shetty. (2014), Screening of Antagonistic Activity and Antibiotic Resistance of Microflora Isolated from Idli Batter, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8: 4195-4199.
Chinnashanmugam Saravanan, Prathapkumar H Shetty*. (2015), Isolation and characterization of exopolysaccharide from Leuconostoc lactis KC117496 isolated from idli batter, International Journal of Biological Macromolecule, 90: 100-106.
Chinnashanmugam Saravanan, Venkadesaperumal Gopu, PrathapKumar H Shetty*.(2015), Diversity and functional characterization of microflora isolated from traditional fermented food idli, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52: 7425-7432.
Chinnashanmugam Saravanan,Rajendiran Rajesh,Thanamegam Kaviarasan,Krishnan Muthukumar Digambar Kavitake, Prathapkumar H Shetty*.(2017), Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using bacterial exopolysaccharide and its application for degradation of azo-dyes, Biotechnology Reports, 15: 33-40.
Chinnashanmugam Saravanan, Digambar Kavitake, Sujatha Kandasamy, Palanisamy Bruntha Devi, Prathapkumar H Shetty*.(2019), Production, partial characterization and antioxidant properties of exopolysaccharide α-D-glucan produced by Leuconostoc lactis KC117496 isolated from idli batter, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56, 159–166.
NCBI: 49 Bacterial 16s RNA gene partial sequence submissions isolated from idli batter. Including 10 probiotics strains.